
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015


Police sent me some awesome gifts and I went downtown to show them to you :)

Here's my super awesome sunglasses and at the background the Câmara Municipal do Porto, a beautiful piece of art with a beautiful architecture at behind !
Uma foto publicada por Patrícia Abreu (@patriciamourabreu) a
Being their portuguese representative makes me very proud to be a part of their Police Bloggers Tribe ! Here's again the sunglasses on me, looking at the Douro River,
Uma foto publicada por Patrícia Abreu (@patriciamourabreu) a
Here you can see better that the sunglasses have a part painted gold, and it is simply perfect !
Uma foto publicada por Patrícia Abreu (@patriciamourabreu) a
Police also sent me a fragrance, called "Police To be The Queen" and it is very minimalist with (again) tones of gold, this is a piece of art ! And so I thought it deserved an amazing background, so again, the Douro River:
Uma foto publicada por Patrícia Abreu (@patriciamourabreu) a
I haven't instagrammed all of the pics I have taken, so I am posting here some more:

(at Estação de São Bento, Porto, Portugal)

(at D. Luiz Bridge, Porto, Portugal)

In case you haven't buy yet your Christmas presents, here's some great ideas right?

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

with FEVER.

Yes, Fever Collection sent me some gifts that got me fever !!!
They are crazyyyy, and I can't wait to show you me wearing them ! I think I might use it on Carnival :D

I picked this costume of a skeleton, because I loved it at the first sight and because I love Vanessa Hudgens and she wore a skeleton bodysuit this year for the halloween.

 Here's Vanessa :D
 And here's my awesome costumeeee :D

I also thought that a skeleton would look very irreverent if wearing a wig. 
Even more irreverent would be a skeleton wearing a blonde candy wig. So that was my pick !

Thank you so much FeverCollection, can't wait to wear your gifts !

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

with Today I'm Me

"Today I'm Me" is a total different concept of bags and maybe that's why I am in love with it so bad !
It makes everything so cool and funny and ya, for once you can be yourself - today I'm me.

Here's my wishlist:

Looking like paper, I love these two:

Illusion collection is also lovely:

And now I present you my favorite of them all !!   Evening bag:
The chain makes it so cute and the way it can be both chic and irreverent makes me love itttt:

Hope you like it :D

with Clara Olivia.

My wishlist of this lovely lingerie brand.

Lace lace lace - I love lace, so of course my picks are focused on ...lace!

I also love items that can shape your body and make you look curvy, so here's my choices:

I have got crazy about wearing swimsuits because of Selena Gomez, because she always rock a swimsuit, so here's some inspiration for you:

Hope you guys got inspired :)

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

It's a love story, baby just say YES

Hello Swifties! I know you love amazing gowns and today I am making your dreams come true with this post about Bridesmaid dresses that Pickedlooks is selling :)

I will start from the beginning of Taylor’s carreer, so I can melt your heart

Do you remember Taylor's 18th birthday ? Of course you do because that day was the day she filmed her music video for Beautiful Eyes !
Here's a dress you will LOVE:

It is pink, it is girly and it is all you need to shine. It is also affordable, check here.

If you are a Swiftie, you'll never forget the moment Taylor sang Tim McGraw to Tim McGraw himself and his wife Faith Hill. An amazing and unforgettable performance at the CMT.

 This dress is embroidered at the top and can work as a bridesmaid dress or as a prom dress, it is soooo pretty you will look like Cinderella ! Or Taylor Swift, which is even better! This one is available here.

And here is the moment they met.

Let's got back now to 2009. Another you won't EVER forget : MTV VMA's 2009.
And that is unforgettable, not only because of her awesome performance at the NYC subway, but because of..Kanye.
Whatever, let's just remember of that awesome performance and her awesome red dress:

 Red means power and this was a moment of pure girls power. Don't forget to get a red dress (here's my suggestion ) and don't let them "grab your mic" !!

Alright, I hear you all asking me for more recent inspiration so I just thought you'd love this next one:

Back to November of 2013, Taylor dressed like a princess to actually sing with Bon Jovi and...the PRINCE!

Click on the dress to enlarge the image, this dress is available here 

Even more recently, at the 2015 Radio Disney Music Awards, Taylor wore a chiffon yellow dress, equal to the following one:

Now you just need to make your hair up pretty and you're ready to rock it ! 

I hope this post inspires you as much as it inspired me to write it !

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015


E mais uma vez é graças à Universal que adiciono mais um cd à minha coleção.

Neste novo álbum da Selena vemos a mudança pelo que passou nos últimos anos e ela mesma fez questão de chamar ao álbum Revival.

Deixa assim de lado a dance music e dedica-se a um álbum totalmente pop, porém, a meu ver, deixou a desejar.

As músicas que tornou singles são mesmo as poucas que poderiam sê-lo, por serem mesmo cativantes tanto nas lyrics como no som. 
Costumo gostar dos álbuns dela quase do início ao fim, mas desta vez não. Desta vez pareceu-me um pouco inacabado, há músicas que soam bem, mas no meio são-lhe impostos ritmos que não soam tão bem e dão o ar de que o álbum merecia uma revisão final que não lhe foi feita.
é um álbum pop com pouco mais de 2 músicas catchy e os próximos singles não me parece que venham a ser sucessos de venda.

Destacam-se então, para mim, os dois atuais singles: Same Old Love e Good for You.
Destacam-se ainda no final do álbum a Body Heat e a Rise e adoro imenso o sentimento que ela nos traz com Camouflage, embora cada vez que ela diz esta palavra me soe destoado do resto da música, talvez outra palavra tivesse feito jus à música.

Sem muito mais a acrescentar ao conteúdo, acrescento à forma. O álbum dela chamado "When The Sun Goes Down" contou com grafismo melhor, fotografia melhor e para cada música parecia haver um tema. Nesta álbum vemos apenas a Sel adulta e mais confiante, mas tudo o resto parece pobre, até mesmo o próprio cd em si.

Talvez tenha sido apenas a minha primeira impressão e com o tempo este álbum ainda me surpreenda.
Qual foi a vossa primeira opinião? Partilhem :)

quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2015


Sou uma enorme Swiftie como já devem ter percebido e sempre me desanimou saber que os perfumes da Taylor nunca foram colocados à venda em lojas físicas em Portugal, mesmo tendo sido publicitado que seriam :(
Então pus-me a investigar e descobri um site português que vende nada mais nada menos que 3 dos 4 perfumes da Taylor e assim procedi a uma encomenda,

O modo de compra é extremamente simples, assim como os preços são acessíveis e ainda têm disponível a opção de escolher um determinado tamanho para cada um dos perfumes.

O site é e eis a lista dos perfumes que vende; wonderstruck ; wonderstruck enchanted ( o perfume que com a parceria da fapex pude finalmente sentir o seu aroma!) e o Taylor by Taylor Swift !

Abaixo deixo-vos uma foto do perfume e da coleção de perfumes que tenho, nunca comprada em lojas físicas, mas a internet tornou-se uma grande opção :D

Já sabem, não desanimem por pensarmos sempre que não há nada da Taylor em Portugal, basta fazer uma pesquisa simples e encontrar um site português que para mim foi o meu salvador :D
Visitem aqui !

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015


Dirty Velvet is a super rebel brand for smart and rebel man :) Of course, if you are reading this and you are a women, don't worry, you can steal some of the following masterpieces from your boyfriend and you'll have the perfect excuse to wear one too :D

Here's some of my favorite that DV sent me, check a lot of more cute and awesome items, on their website !

I first met London this exact year (last post ) and I fell in love with everything so I choose (obviously) this sweater:

For this review I thought that burgundy would be the piece that I would love to wear since this is one of the colors that is so in vogue this season, so you'll see some pictures of me wearing it:

 This next one is my brother's face! Everything about it is simply FUNNY! I imagine him being this frog with a broken legs because is always running around and he is so active that if he were a frog, this would happen to him for sure XD
The thing I love about Dirty Velvet is that they know how to take something normal and make it funny

So here is my little brother, he is way taller than me, so he is not..."little" but I must say instead, my "younger" brother ;)

Have a lovely week you all <3
Thank you DV :D
